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I am a masters student studying green sea turtle population genetics at National Taiwan Ocean University. I've worked in turtle conservation since 2007 - in Canada, Costa Rica, Taiwan and the United States. Let's talk turtles!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Rookery Profile: Orchid Island

English name: Orchid Island
Chinese name: (Lan-Yu-Dao)

View Larger Map Location: 22.0500° N, 121.5333° E

Sand type: Volcanic
Studied since: 1997

Predominant species: This island is home to the second largest intensively-studied green turtle nesting population in Taiwan.
Interesting facts:
- Taiwan kukri snakes (Oligodon formosanus) are a known predator of turtle eggs on this island.
- Orchid Island is home to several rare species that are endemic to this island alone, such as the Lanyu scops owl (Otus elegans), and a rare endemic orchid (Phalaenopsis equestris).
- The majority of the island is inhabited by local aboriginal people (known as the Tao, or Yami people) who have a rich and interesting culture very closely linked to the ocean and its marine life.
- National Geographic magazine determined that the language of these local aboriginals is one of the top 10 endangered languages on earth.
- The waters surrounding the island have a high density and diversity of sea snakes.
- Orchid Island is also home to a nuclear waste storage facility.

Selected readings:

Cheng I-J, Dutton PH, Chen C-L, Chen H-C, Chen Y-H, Shea, J-W. 2008. Comparison of the Genetics and Nesting Ecology of Two Green Turtle Rookeries in Taiwan. J Zoology 276(4): 375-384.

Cheng I-J, Huang C-T, Hung P-Y, Ke B-Z, Kuo C-W, Fong C. 2009. A ten year monitoring of the nesting ecology of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, on Lanyu Island, Taiwan.  Zool Stud 48(1): 83-94.

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